Otology & Neurotology

Otology and Neurotology in Kerala is a subspecialty of ENT where specially trained Best ENT surgeons and ENT physicians provide medical and surgical care to the patients with diseases that affect the ear, balance system, facial nerve disorders, temporal bone diseases and diseases of lateral skull base and head and neck.
Ascent is one of the pioneer centers in Kerala state dealing with this subspecialty of ENT. We are providing medical and surgical treatment for patients with ear infections including chronic discharge from ears and choleostatoma. We use passive middle ear implants like TORP and PORP made of titanium imported from USA, Germany, and Italy. We are also one of the pioneer centers for Stapes surgery in Kerala for patients suffering from hearing loss due to Otosclerosis.
We are regularly performing implant surgeries in Kerala to restore hearing including cochlear implant and bone conduction implants like BAHA.
Ascent has an advanced Balance clinic to evaluate vertigo and balance disorders. Ascent is now associated with Neuro equilibrium. India's largest and most advanced chain of vertigo treatment clinic. The various tests done in balance clinic in Ascent are analysed by experts comprising of ENT surgeon,ENT physicians, neurologists and neuro otologists for in depth evaluation of the cause of vertigo and balance disorders. This helps to bring diagnostic accuracy and proper management of this complex clinical symptom of vertigo and dizziness.
Our lateral skull base surgery team is performing surgeries for facial nerve paralysis and for facial nerve tumours. We also perform CP angle surgeries including functional CP angle surgeries like vestibular neurotomy for intractable vertigo in menieres disease and surgeries for trigeminal neuralgia, intractable tinitus and hemifacial spasm.
Dr.Sarafudeen PK is trained for MIRA and lateral skull base surgery under prof.Jacques Magnan,France and Prof.Mario senna ,piacenza,Italy. Ascent is one of the few centers in the country who performe MIRA-endoscopic keyhole lateral skull base ent surgery in Kerala.
One of the Best Otosclerosis Surgery in Kerala
Otosclerosis is an important cause of hearing loss in adults in India. It causes progressive hearing loss and is more commonly seen in females. Often Hearing loss may be first noticed during pregnancy. The management includes mainly Surgery or Hearing aids. When we compare the results of otosclerosis surgery V/S Hearing aid , in most of the patients , if surgery is done in properly selected patients by experienced stapes surgeons , Hearing aids can be avoided.
Hearing aids do have cosmetic issues, social stigmas, Maintenance problems and other related issues. However some patients will not be good candidates for surgery like surgeries in cochlear otosclerosis is not recommended. These patients may have to opt Hearing aids.Stapedectomy and Stapedotomy are the surgeries done for this problem. Stapedotomy surgery is one of highly demanding and challenging ear surgery with high success rate in selected cases. Patients can appreciate the hearing improvement on the Surgery table itself.
Laser is very useful tool in Stapes surgery especially in revision stapes surgeries. Stapedotomy surgery recovery time is now a days very short and most of the times patients can get discharged and go home on the same day of surgery.
One of the Best Hospital For Otosclerosis surgery in Kerala?
Ascent’s doctors panel includes some of the best otosclerosis surgeons in India. Dr Sharafudeen has performed more than two thousand stapes surgeries in the last twenty years of his experience, with very high success rate.Ascent is one of the few centres in India and Kerala performing large number of Stapes surgeries regularly with very good results.
One of the Best Stapes Surgery in Kerala and India!
We perform endoscopic otosclerosis and stapes surgeries too.We use mainly imported Prosthesis including Teflon and Titanium. Th MRI safety of the prosthesis we use is never an issue.
In far advanced otosclerosis, many times success rate of otosclerosis Surgeries will be questionable .in these situations, when patients are not satisfied by surgery and or hearing aid, Cochlear implantation surgery can also be considered in selected patients. Otosclerosis surgery may very rarely cause vertigo and worsening of hearing loss and deafness.
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