Balance Disorders

Vertigo is a very common but complex clinical symptom which affects people of all ages. As we are aware it is just a symptom and the etiology can vary from simple benign peripheral inner ear vertigo to deadly tumour like vestibular schwannoma. To unwind this complex symptom and to pin point the cause, often clinicians need thorough and comprehensive test battery. Prescribing vertigo suppressant medications may give temporary relief. However it is a must to locate the root cause of this neuro-otological problem for a complete cure.
Balance disorders affect about 15% of general population. Balance clinic is the best place to investigate the cause for a balance disorder. Our balance clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. The line of treatment of vertigo is formulated and conducted as per the international standards The facilities available in our institution are PTA. VEMP, BERA, Videonystagmography, Craniocorpography, dynamic visual activity, subjective visual vertical. The data from the tests is automatically saved on the cloud and assessed by a panel of well known experts.
Vestibular disorder is the major cause for vertigo, dizziness, nausea and balance disorder. Vestibular also known as inner ear infection or disorder is the major cause of vertigo. These disorders can have a devastating effect on the personal and professional life of a person. Balance disorder can be irritating sometimes and can cause serious accidents if the patient is driving or working.
Vestibular or balance system disorder can be caused due to various causes such as head trauma, cardiovascular diseases, ear infection, nerve neuronitis, allergies and other infections. Diagnosing this disorder is not very easy. Some of the major symptoms are invisible. If you are suffering from dizziness, nausea and spinning of head then it is important to get yourself evaluated for vertigo otherwise you can fall into some very serious problem.
Every human being has felt some form of vertigo at any point of their life. If the vertigo attacks occurs once or twice in a month you can ignore them and take it lightly but if you are facing this problem frequently then it is advisable to consult your doctor.
The balance disorder originates in ears in most of the cases due to infection in inner ears. There is a fluid present in ears, which helps the sound reach the brain and detected by brain as sound. If the amount of this liquid increases or get leaked into other parts then the whole system get imbalanced and the balance of the human body gets disturbed. At the same time brain thinks that you are hearing a sound when you aren't.
The confusion arises in the mind of the patient because these ringing sounds can be caused due to some other health problems as well. So the best thing would be to get yourself diagnosed for this problem.
Migraine can also be a major cause for the positional imbalance. If you have family history of vestibular migraine then you should be more careful about this disorder. Vertigo is very common among migraine patients and almost every patient suffering from migraine has faced vertigo at some point of life but vice-versa doesn't exist. Also people from older age group are more prone to this disorder.
We are happy to inform you that Ascent is now associated with Neuroequilibrium, India’s largest and most advanced chain of vertigo treatment clinic. The various tests done in balance clinic in Ascent are analysed by experts comprising of ENT surgeon, neurologists and neuro otologists for in depth evaluation of the cause of vertigo and balance disorders. This helps to bring diagnostic accuracy and proper management of this complex clinical symptom.
Frequently Asked Questions!!
1. What is the main cause of balance problems?
Causes of balance problems include medications, ear infection, a head injury, or anything else that affects the inner ear or brain. Low blood pressure can lead to dizziness when you stand up too quickly.
2. Can balance disorders be cured?
Balance problems may appear before other symptoms. Treatment for chronic medical conditions vary. Most progressive disorders are not curable, but medication and rehabilitation may slow the disease.
3. Why can't I keep my balance when I walk?
Losing your balance while walking, or feeling imbalanced, can result from: Vestibular problems. Abnormalities in your inner ear can cause a sensation of a floating or heavy head and unsteadiness in the dark. Nerve damage to your legs.
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