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Effects of Head Injury on Hearing and Balance


Road traffic accidents, sports injury, falls and physical violence’s are the major causes of head injury. It may cause damage not only to scalp, skull and brain in the form of external wounds, contusion, bleeding inside the brain and fractures, it can damage the organs of hearing and balance leading to temporary or permanent loss of hearing, recurrent imbalance and vertigo. Lateral blow with high impact may lead to longitudinal fracture causing damage to tympanic membranes and dislocation of ossicles and ossicular discontinuity which can be corrected surgically.

Anterior and posterior impact causes translabyrithine fractures leading sensorineural hearing loss which is sometimes irreversible. Labyrinthine concussion without fracture may lead to high frequency sensorineural hearing loss with or without vertigo .Balance disorder post trauma may last for few days to weeks. It can be persistent and disabling for few patients. The most common cause of post traumatic vertigo is BPPV of posterior semi-circular canal. It may involve the lateral semi-circular canal. The involvement of anterior semi circular canal is very rare. It may involve both ears .

post traumatic position vertigo may show recurrence. It may not resolve some times by therapeutic manoeuvres or exercises. Various test modalities that are done to assess are CT scans of brain and temporal bones to know the fractures, MRI brain to assess the injury to brain, audio logical evaluation for knowing the type and degree of hearing impairment, vestibular function tests like Dix hall pike tests, McClure Pagnini tests, and video nystagmography tests VNG. Hearing impairment due to damage to ossicular chain or ear drum can be corrected by surgical procedures. Persistent sensorineural deaf patients are advised to use hearing aids. Vertigo is managed by medications, positioning manoeuvres and adaptation exercises.

If you or a loved one has suffered from head injury, it's important to seek out treatment as soon as possible. This is because the symptoms of head injury can be quite serious, and can lead to significant losses in hearing and balance. In addition, head injuries related to the ears and balance are often difficult to diagnose without proper diagnostic techniques. That's where rehabilitation programs come in – they help head injury victims regain their hearing and balance. There are a number of different types of therapy that are available in Palakkad to improve hearing and balance after a head injury. Some of these therapies include ear balance treatment, Cochlear Implantation Therapy (CIT), and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR). Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the right one for you or your loved one.

Above all else, it's important to take preventative measures against head injuries. By doing this, you can reduce your chances of suffering from any type of ear or balance loss down the road. Ascent hospital provides the best Ear Balance Treatment In Palakkad. If you or someone you know is suffering from dizziness, hearing loss, or other symptoms related to a head injury, don't hesitate to seek out treatment in Palakkad. There are many excellent rehabilitation programs available that will help you improve your hearing and balance as quickly as possible. The emergence of premier ENT hospitals in India has revolutionized the field of ear, nose, and throat care, providing world-class medical services to millions of people.